Yang Fu 付旸

Yang is currently a Ph.D student in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at University of California San Diego (UCSD), advised by Prof. Xiaolong Wang. Before that, he obtained his M.S. in ECE at UIUC in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Thomas S. Huang (1936-2020) and Prof. Humphrey Shi.

Research Interests

My current research focuses on computer vision and machine learning. Specifically, I have recently worked in

  • Computer Vision

    • Neural Radiance Fields, 6D pose estimation, video instance/object segmentation.
  • Machine Learning

    • semi-supervised learning, self-supervised representation learning, test-time training.

Please refer to my Google scholar for a full list of my publications.


  • [2022.06] I start my Ph.D journey at UCSD under the supervision of Prof. Xiaolong Wang.

  • [2021.03] One paper accepted to CVPR 2021 as oral presentation (paper).